Diagnose and Remediate: Linear Equations Word Problems


Diagnose and Remediate

We've all been there. We introduce word problem examples and, in response, we hear all the moans and groans from our students. Word problems are notoriously difficult for students and often require additional practice and intervention.

In the Discover Math Intervention Program, we strive to diagnose misconceptions and skill gaps and remediate through instructional videos and practice problems.

First, assign the Diagnostic Assessment to your students. The assessment is housed in Google Forms. Students answer between 5 and 10 questions in order to assess their understanding of the topic.

Then, if at any point students get two questions in a row incorrect, they are sent to a ten-minute YouTube video to provide remedial instruction and facilitate additional practice.

Linear Equations Word Problems

This particular diagnostic assessment and remediation video covers topics including translating one- and two-step equations from sentences and word problems.

The diagnostic assessment focuses on writing the actual equation. It assesses whether students can correctly translate the sentence or scenario into a linear equation. The remediation video lesson goes into more depth by addressing key words, steps for writing and solving linear equations in one variable, and detailed processes.

Once students watch the brief video lesson, they can go back through the diagnostic assessment to adjust their answers until they are correct and submit.

Try this lesson for free here.

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In the Discover Math Intervention Program, we identify and address math skill gaps for you!

The best part is that it can all be done via technology, so this program is perfect for remote or hybrid learning.

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