5 Tips for Learning Math at Home


learning math at home

Have you found yourself with students or children learning math at home? Whether you're a classroom teacher, parent, tutor or specialist, let's look at how we can help increase student engagement and success. There are so many challenges associated with learning remotely, but by sharing these tips with our kids we can increase the levels of learning taking place while at home.

Create a workspace.

Designate a space where you can work in a focused environment. This is super tricky for many, but it is so important to identify one place where you can watch Zoom meetings, do your work, and complete assigned readings. This could be at a desk, kitchen table, your bed, your favorite chair, a corner somewhere. Find a spot and make it your workspace. If it is a shared space, be prepared to tidy up and remove your school items when wrapping up another successful session. Keep them in a backpack or box that can be tucked away, and then set them back up the next time you need to get to work. Be sure to do your best to select a location that will allow you to focus.

Stick to a schedule.

You do not need to create a super rigid schedule. However, you should know when you typically work on your school assignments. Make sure you write down any live Zoom calls you will need to attend. Then plan out when the other work will get done. First thing in the morning? Right after your live classes? Before dinner? Determine when you will best be able to focus and stick to it. It's not easy, but it's often better to work earlier in the day. Then reward yourself with a fun activity. In general, it's better to start with the most important and most complex tasks first. Get them off your plate, then you'll be able to work through the quicker tasks with confidence.

learning math at home tips for success

Remove distractions.

Distractions caused by smart phones and social media are out of control. To achieve maximum success, tuck the phone away while you are working. Give all your attention to the task at hand so that you can get the most out of your assignments. You'll remember details better which will prepare you for future assignments and assessments. If you are addicted to your phone, like many of us, set a timer or time goal for how long you will work uninterrupted. Then once you've met that goal, take a couple of minutes to check in and then reset. Make sure you spend enough time away that you can get into a state of flow and get some serious work done.

Ask questions.

Learning math at home feels so different, but it's important to stay accountable for your learning. You will need the knowledge your teachers are sharing as you move forward in school, work, and life. Work hard and ask questions when you don't understand. It's both beautiful and frustrating at times that math concepts build on one another. Don't neglect to ask questions only to end up with skill gaps and future struggles. Take advantage of any teacher office hours or seek tutoring help. Misunderstandings may not seem like a big deal but they can quickly compound if not addressed quickly and appropriately.

Engage in extra practice.

The best way to learn math is to do math. You can make up additional math problems for practice, use available school resources, or ask someone in your household to quiz you. As a curriculum writer, I've created a special section in my TpT store with resources appropriate for students who are homeschooling or learning math at home. Check out these resources for extra practice for middle school math.

Teachers and parents, remember that this is an especially challenging time to be a student. Share these tips with your students, but remember to allow space for grace. As long as we're all doing our best, we'll continue to make progress and work toward our longterm goals.

I'd love to hear from you. What is particularly challenging for students learning math at home this year? What else would you like to learn more about? Comment below!

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