Mathemagic Monday #1: Complementary v. Supplementary

Recently I was reviewing complementary versus supplementary with my eighth graders.  Here are three tricks to help students recall the difference between the two:

I would like to begin a new series of blog posts that I will call Mathemagic Mondays.  When I reflect on why I have always loved mathematics, the first answer that always comes to mind is because it is fun.  Well, what makes it fun?

·      Making connections to real life
·      Learning through games
·      Establishing connections between ideas… the “aha” moments
·      Understanding shortcuts

My students who “don’t like math,” are usually the ones who don’t recognize patterns and shortcuts.  They know the steps (maybe), they follow them, but they don’t know why.  As teachers, sometimes we forget to share the shortcuts and tricks we know.  Or maybe sometimes we think they shouldn’t use them because it isn’t the “right” way or it might confuse students more.  Let's share the mathemagic!

In this series, I am going to share some of the tips and tricks I have successfully shared with my students.  I would love, love your input and ideas!  Email me at with your own tips and tricks and I will credit you in a blog post.

Also, be sure to subscribe to my blog via email so that you are notified about new posts.  J

Recently I was reviewing complementary versus supplementary with my eighth graders.  Here are three tricks to help students recall the difference between the two:
1)      Alphabetical/Numerical Order: C comes before S and 90 comes before 180 so complementary angles are 90 degrees and supplementary angles are 180 degrees.

2)    Visual Changes: C can easily be turned into a 9 for 90 and S can easily be turned into an 8 for 180.

3)    A Friendly Saying: “Complimenting someone is the RIGHT thing to do.”  Therefore, complementary angles are angles that together make 90 degrees.

Post your own strategies in the comment section below!

Stop by my store and pick up this angles puzzle freebie!

Mathemagic Monday is a series of blog posts by Free to Discover that highlights some tips and tricks for making math meaningful and fun for kids, focusing on those shortcuts and connections that give us the “aha” moment.


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